You may have tried to join a telegram porn group or simply a telegram film and series groupbut you see an error message "This Channel can't be displayed because it was used to spread pornographic content" or "This Channel can't be displayed...".

There are several solutions to avoid this problem and gain access to the group. Here are a few ways to unlock telegram groups on IOS.

Disable porn filter

The easiest way to bypass IOS censorship is to deactivate the filter. To do this, you'll need to :

  • Click on the menu at top left
  • Click on parameter
  • Click on Privacy and Security
  • In the Sensitive Content tab, deactivate filtering
  • Relaunch the application

Here's how it works:

Changing platforms

I'm not going to ask you to buy an Android phone, but you should know that you can use telegram on other platforms.

Don't hesitate to download the PC version of telegram to access all groups without restriction. There will be no error messages, no matter which group you join. You'll receive notifications on your PC when you receive a message. In short, all the features of mobile but on PC.

You can also access telegram directly from your browser at

Download Telegram X

Last solution if nothing worked above to remove the alert message, you can download Telegram X on IOS. It's the same application, from the same company. It's just a clone app if the main app is blocked in your country or to avoid censorship.


Now you know how to view telegram nude or porn groups without any restrictions, whether you have an iPhone or Android. The simplest solution is to use a PC and connect to the telegram web application.

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