We give you the best groups Telegram of French Youtubers (or French speaking). Telegram is a great way to stay in touch with your community and it's a great alternative to traditional social networks, which is why most youtubers start creating Telegram. You can join the groups Telegram of Youtubeur through the links below.

How to join a Telegram group

  • Click on the link above from a smartphone
  • Download the Telegram application if you have not already done so (Android or IOS)
  • Click on "JOIN" at the bottom of the screen
  • You have joined the channel and you can participate

Joyca's Telegram Group

👉 Join the Joyca group

The youtuber Joyca is one of the most followed youtubers in France. On his Telegram group, he announces his latest videos, his next Twitch lives and offers some stories about his daily life.

Seb's Telegram group

👉 Join the Seb group

The youtuber SEB who has several million subscribers has created a Telegram group to share polls and share his discoveries. He also offers lookalikes to add to his Instagram account.

Telegram group of The Raptor

👉 Joining the Raptor group

The Raptor (formerly The Dissident Raptor) is a youtuber. He created a Telegram account to share and react to current events.

Psyko Sauce Telegram Group

👉 Join the Psyko Sauce group

Psyko Sauce is one of the first Youtubers to have created a Telegram channel to avoid censorship on Youtube. On this group, he publishes his news and videos that are not released on the Google platform.

Ecom FrenchTouch Telegram Group

👉 Join the Ecom FrenchTouch group

Ecom FrenchTouch youtubers offer content around online business, especially about dropshipping. They offer training and have a large community. The business youtubers have since launched a Telegram channel to share daily tips.

Telegram group of Jean-Marie CORDA

👉 Join Jean-Marie CORDA's group

Can we really place Jean-Marie CORDA in the list of youtubers with a Telegram account? Still, he is active on the youtube platform and has tens of thousands of subscribers. He has set up a Telegram group to publish news, his videos and a bit about cryptomoney.

